Benedict Scheuer
Spring Drawings
June 25 - July 30, 2022

Benedict Scheuer is trying to be a mindful person. Within this practice, he is compelled to draw. When he looks at his drawings, he feels affirmed. His drawings prove to himself that it is possible to be in harmony with his environment. 

The following excerpts from his personal journal have guided him in trusting the drawings that he has made during the Spring of 2022. 

When I was on my bed. On my back. I began at one point to focus steady on my breathing and, to my amazement, realized that I had been forgetting about my lungs. Their shape. Their pivotal role in the breath. Never ever before had I tried to feel for them inside my body. Not with my hands, but by allocating my presence and attention to them as if feeling for the vibration of a memory or an ache in my stomach. 

And so, I laughed. Because I had learned how to acknowledge them. My wings. My body. In a way that is more expansive. And I thought of them expanding and contracting as if they were wings of flesh, carrying me above the tumultuous rumble of my mind. 

I am running along the river. I am maxing out my capacity for speed and I am entering a trance. My movements are curling into quick lunges forward. I pretend I am a deer. Clicking into focus more deeply, I become a wolf chasing one. My teeth grow and glisten as they cut into the air. In my form I am honest, confident, compelling. Staring dead ahead and into my speed, my vision widens within the cadence of my tennis shoes propelling me forward. The forest becomes awash in blur and light. A dazzling sphere materializes within my line of site. I run to it for as long as I can.

That night in my studio, I say to myself—you should try to draw like this.